If you have a software development company, or you lead a developers’ team, sometimes expanding it is required. No matter how experienced you are in this field, there is always a chance for improvement, especially when it comes to estimating candidates’ Node.js skills. When you need to hire Node js developers, you have to pay attention to their current experience, but also to their talent to grasp the concept of the job and become a part of your team.
In general, you need to estimate their soft and technical skills to see if the candidate is appropriate for the open position.
But first, let’s just briefly cover what Node.js is and why it’s important:
- It’s an open-source JavaScript environment
- Cross-platform compatibility
- Executes JS code outside the browser
- Helps you build scalable apps
- Light and efficient I/O model
- You can build data-oriented services
- Apps work on more devices
- Reusable code and quick execution
So, when you have a team of Node.js experts, the whole process will go nice and smoothly. These teams usually work with high efficiency, implementing the best security and data protection practices.
Another decision to make is if you need an in-house developer (part-time or full-time employment), or a freelancer.
But, no matter the employment type, there is a combination of soft and technical skills you need to look for the perfect candidate.
Let’s see which are they:
1. Great Programming Skills
Developers are programmers in the first place, so they need to know basic things like the syntax, but also what is node js setinterval or why you need node js mysql integration.
During the recruitment process, they will share a lot about their experience and knowledge, but first, test their programming skills. For example, universities cover it adequately, but not every developer studied software engineering in the first place.
As you test their programming skills, you can easily thin down the candidate list, and decide who are the potential employees.
2. Knowing at Least One Node.js Framework
Frameworks make life easier for developers. Using it, you are able to reuse pre-written functions and code pieces. So, feel free to ask the candidate if they are familiar with great Node.js frameworks like Derby, Total.js, Meteor, Nest, etc.
Even though knowing the core Node.js is crucial, frameworks can optimize the project duration, providing exceptional specific features. For example, if you need to build an eCommerce app, you can use the Reaction Commerce framework and simply integrate the functionalities you need.
Also, Hapi.js is excellent for scalable apps, so hiring a developer who is familiar with it will be a great decision for your company.
3. Open to Learning New Things
Some unpopular beliefs say that developers think they know everything and that there is nothing more to learn. But, great developers know that there is always something more to learn, and they are open to doing that, no matter their current job position.
So, if you offer learning options, especially related to Node.js developing skills, they can even overcome your initial expectations. Make sure you offer professional and personal growth and see how they are more open to accepting your offer.
4. Are They Familiar With APM?
APMs are Application Monitoring tools, and every Node.js developer must be familiar with the way they work. Most of them know what APM tools are and the benefits of using them.
This way, you will know they will make proper decisions based on project requirements. These apps collect analytics logs, enable troubleshooting, improve app security, real-time record data, or store backups, so you may not lose all the work if something goes wrong.
5. Work Ethic, Ambition, and Determination
These soft skills are something you need to look for in every candidate. Maintaining a work ethic is a must, no matter if you hire a Node.js developer or any other professional. These people are smart, responsible, efficient, and dedicated to their work. They will always respect their coworkers and leaders, completing the tasks on time. If they are late, they will provide a good reason for that.
When Node.js developer is determined to their professional journey, they are willing to motivate their coworkers to do the same. That’s how you build a successful team. It goes handy with the ambition to climb a stair higher on the professional ladder. Also, these people are likely to grow as experts, so make sure you provide flexible conditions to them, or even a chance to grow more.
6. Exceptional Communication Skills
Another common myth is that programmers and developers don’t know how to communicate if they face some specific issue. Maybe that was true many years ago, but now, many developers are more likely to ask for help or offer their support to someone else.
Surely, you can estimate these skills from the very first interview, and it’s essential to embrace open communication. This way, all messages and thoughts will be appropriately shared without any risk related to the outcome.
When working on big projects, you need to hire Node.js developers who can communicate decently. Don’t fall for fancy technical words and sentences. Real professionals know how to communicate with understandable language and still share their messages correctly. You really need a person like that on your team.
7. Are They Ready to Embrace the Challenge?
Every work position comes with some specific challenges. Projects are different, just like the complete environment. Some people love change, but others will be angry with that.
Estimating the person is a challenge too, but you can easily see if they love the job or hate it. Even in times when online interviews are a thing, you will be able to see if this person fits the role or not.
Final Words
When your team grows, it enhances the overall performance, resulting in successfully completed tasks and projects. Hiring a Node.js developer shouldn’t be an issue. Most of these people know how to behave in a corporate environment while being responsible, dedicated, and efficient during working hours.
As Node.js is still a popular JS environment, we are sure you will have to repeat the whole process every now and then.