Children should never witness something as horrible as domestic violence, especially if it takes place between their own parents. Children that grow up in violent and abusive homes tend to experience difficulty in personality development. Not to mention the amount of psychological trauma that is inflicted upon them.
When you speak to your child about domestic violence, you need to be extra careful about the words your choose. It can be extremely difficult to speak about domestic violence, especially with your child. But, a healthy conversation can have a positive impact. If a family member has injured you or your loved one, a Sandy domestic violence attorney can discuss your legal options and the compensation you can get.
What not to say to your child about domestic violence
“Maybe if you did something differently….”
Children are never to be blamed for domestic violence that happens between two adults. Even if the child had said something that had made the abuser angry, it is still not their fault. The only person that should be held accountable for the abuser’s actions is the abuser themself.
Children often tend to feel guilty about the problems between their parents. Many children of divorced parents believe their parents’ separation was their fault. Therefore, a parent should try their best to make their children feel loved and assure them that it is not their fault. They do not have control over what goes on in the house and should not be expected to solve abuse problems.
“It is not something we talk about….”
One of the reasons why domestic violence is still a relevant problem in Sandy is because people are scared and hesitant to speak about it. Domestic violence is a taboo topic, contributing to the worsening of the situation.
Never make your child feel like they are doing something by bringing up the topic. Instead, it shows how brave your child is for speaking about something so painful. When your child learns to keep their mouth shut, it can develop difficult challenges for them in later parts of their life.
If your child has something to say, hear them out. Let them present their feelings and thoughts. After listening to them carefully, have a healthy conversation about the situation.
“I do not believe you..”
It takes huge amounts of courage for anyone to speak about domestic violence, and it is particularly more difficult for small children. So, when a child comes to you hoping for help, do not disregard their words just because they are children. While a child may even lie, one must not ignore complaints about domestic violence without looking into the situation once.
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